Naguib Mahfouz Award And Medal

The Naguib Mahfouz Pasha medal is awarded to a nominated scientist for his/her input in Obstetrics & Gynecology specialty every year The previously nominated scientists were: 1- Professor Kypros Nicolaides, March 2018 2- Professor Mohamed Aboulghar, March 2019 3- Porfessor Mahmoud Fathalla, October 2020

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Digital Library

Prof Ahmed Shafeek library was renovated in November 2020,  becoming a digital library connected to the central digital library and EKB (Egyptian Knowledge Bank), providing free-access to up-to-date journals and medical sites. It also includes antique textbooks and very precious historical OBGYN and medical books and thesis.

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توقيع اتفاقية تعاون General Electric International و الوكيل بمصر Alkan Medical International

امبارح تم توقيع اتفاقية تعاون هامة بين قسم امراض النساء و التوليد بقصر العيني من ناحية و بين شركة General Electric International و الوكيل بمصر Alkan Medical International من ناحية اخري، و التي بموجبها تم تزويد وحدة طب الام و الجنين بالمستشفي بعدد اتنين جهاز GE Voluson E10 و هو الاحدث و الاعلي تكنولوجيا في… Continue reading توقيع اتفاقية تعاون General Electric International و الوكيل بمصر Alkan Medical International

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و شكرا Rhythm-Hospitality Training Agency

اتمني الكورس ده يكون جزء من التدريب الاجباري لاطباء الامتياز…محتاج ميزانية او رعاه يمولوه صحيح، بس قابل للتنفيذ..هيفرق كتير..شكرا ALEXBANK

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Neonatal Unit NICU

Serving the emergency unit, in fact considered part of it, the hospital has a large very well established and equipped NICU including 54 incubators and 16 intermediate care radiant warmers.

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