Postgraduate Education

This section is targeting postgraduates, specialized or will be, in OBGYN.  It provides different lectures, conference presentations and workshops, aiming to upgrade their knowledge and skills required for safe and efficient OBGYN practice. It also includes the updated course specification and blueprints for these degrees.

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Contact Us

Email Address Gynecology & Obstetrics Department Faculty of Medicine El Manial, Cairo , Egypt P.O 11553

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Online Lectures

Orientation lecture START HERE First week Second week Third week Fourth week Fifth week Sixth week Seventh week Eighth week Ninth week

Categorized as E-Learning

PBL Lectures

First week Second week Third week Fourth week Fifth week Sixth week Seventh week Eighth week Ninth week

Categorized as E-Learning

Gender Based Violence Clinic

Established in December 2020, in collaboration with the National Council for Women and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), this highly specialized clinic targets women subjected to all forms of violence based on gender. It aims at providing primary medical and psychologic care, legal support and referral to responsibleauthorities according to their needs. The clinic works in… Continue reading Gender Based Violence Clinic

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